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1) What is “Connecting Cincy”?
We are a Social Events company that started in April 2024 with a focus on “Singles Mingles” Events

2)What is a Singles Mingles Event ?
This event is for singles, so everyone attending is there for the same reason: to meet other singles, make new friends, and potentially find a special connection.

Since everyone has paid to be there and is interested in
mingling, you can feel confident approaching anyone without worrying about their relationship status or
whether they’re open to meeting new people. Yes, it takes the awkwardness out of the equation having a group of people all there for the same purpose.

3) How exactly do your “Singles Mingles” events work?

  • You come to our Venue and tell us your name to mark you as checked in.

  • You get your Bingo Sheet if you want one (It is optional)

  • You write your name on a name tag.

  • You get yourself something to eat or drink and then start walking around mingling with the other attendees when wanting to walk up to someone you like at the venue. The Bingo sheet will help as it has prompts on it to help you come up with questions to break the ice

  • If towards the end of the event you have spoken to someone you like use your best judgement on this.

  • You 

    could respectfully and with good manners ask them if they would be interested in exchanging contact information. You could use the back of our bingo sheet to write down your number and give it to them before you leave as well is another tactic. These are two options but it’s up to you if you want to try or not. You lose 100% of the shots you don’t take. If you don’t ask the answer is already a no so might as well try. Again, politely and with manners.

4) I am a shy person do you have any tools to help me mingle at your events?
We sure do. We have an optional Ice Breaker Bingo game that you can use if you want to. We have 4 different sheets with 25 different prompts for potential questions you can use to walk up to someone to break the ice those first 60 seconds. And if you get a Bingo by asking questions to a person or people you wanted to mingle with then the first three people to get a bingo get a 10$ Amazon Gift card!

5) What are the rules of your Bingo sheet?
The main purpose we have the Bingo sheet is to help people come up with Ice Breaker questions when wanting to walk up to someone they are interested in. We also offer three 10$ Amazon gift cards to the first three people to get a Bingo.
Bingo meaning a straight line horizontally, diagonally or vertically and to get the $10 Amazon Gift card it should be asking questions to someone or to people you want to mingle with.

Write the first Letter of the person’s name you asked questions to like the example below.
To write the first person’s letter on a box they must have responded “Yes” to your question.

Connecting Cincinnati Singles Mingles Bingo Date Night

6) Are there any restrictions on who can attend or any age restrictions?
We have no restrictions at all. The average age range of our attendees is roughly between 25 to 45.

We believe everyone deserves to find true love and in an age where everything revolves around “ apps” to meet digitally we founded “Connecting Cincy” as a way to get back to the good old days of meeting people face to face.

7) Do We have to wear name tags?
It is not mandatory but we do recommend it as it helps make it easier for someone to walk up to you and start a conversation. You can write down just your first name. You can also write down your year of birth and also what age group you are interested in like the example below. The advantage of doing that is that it help others know what you are looking for and also if you both happen to be looking for the same age range.

Connecting Cincinnati Dating Tag
Connecting Cincinnati Dating Tag

8) I don’t drink alcohol. Will I feel comfortable attending your events?
Our events last an average of two or two and a half hours. We do our best to host our events at locations that
also have non alcoholic options and appetizer options. And practically everyone who attends our event at the
most have just one drink or two. We definitely do respect your preference if you choose to not want to enter
any location where any form of alcohol is being served on site or being consumed even at a minimal capacity.
We have not been able to find any Sober bars or Venues that are Alcohol free. If you have any
recommendations feel free to email us at as we would love to accommodate

9) What do I do if a meet a person or two I would like to contact after the event?
To respect everyone’s privacy we are not able to provide you with anyone’s email address or phone number so we definitely recommend asking that person or two during the event if they fancy exchanging contact information with you. We all miss 100% of the chances we don’t take so it’s better to have tried and not gotten the answer we would have loved than to not try and wonder if we just “ let the one” slip away.

10) I have some ideas, recommendations, feedback I would like to provide. Where do I send them

Please feel free to email us at as we are open to suggestions and feedback.

11) What is this “Singles Club Program” you have?
It is a program you can enroll in for free that will give you access to potential discounted tickets to some of
our events and even possibly a free ticket in some occasions.
You can opt out at any time by simply emailing us at with the words “Unsubscribe” , “OptOut”or “Removeme” and we will honor your wishes. If we email or text you with a discounted ticket offer or a free ticket offer it is for a specific event and not transferrable to another event. The offer has to be claimed within 24 hours otherwise it will expire and be offered to another member of the
Singles Club.

12) Where can I buy tickets to your events?

You can buy them directly through our website here or you can also get them through our EventBrite page. The advantage of buying directly through our website is not having to pay EventBrite Service fees.
Our EventBrite page is here below if you would like to see it.

13) What kind of Singles Events do you have so far?

We have two kinds of events that we host for now per month.

A "General Singles Mingles Event" and A "Christian Singles Mingles" Event.

14) If you host Christian Singles Mingles Events does that mean you are not a secular company or organization?

We are secular and not affiliated directly with any religious organization. Our aim as a company is to slowly expand in creating events for everyone and for things that are important to them.

15) What is your refund policy if any?
We offer refunds for events as long as it's up to 24 hours before the event starts.
If you have bought your ticket through EventBrite please request the refund through there and if you bought your ticket through our Website directly please send us an email at Info@ConnectingCincy.Com

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